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Bodhisattvah Cat

Last night my cat, Guru, brought a present in to the laundry room for my wife. Guru very proudly trotted in and at my wife’s feet dropped a field mouse. That alone is enough to cause my wife concern, but when this little brown mouse got up, scamped towards the door to the pantry my wife reacted in a way that endears her to me.

She screamed.

When my wife screams I pay attention, this time was no different, but I was in the attic cleaning out the dryer vent. So down I hurry, trying not to kill my self on the way, taking only a quick moment to make sure my flip-flops land on the rungs of the ladder as I go.

By the time I made it to the laundry room my youngest is in the room too, watching this little terrified mouse as it tries in vain to burrow in to the kitty litter… sad really.

I pick up the whole litter box, my wife hands me the scoop and I walk in to the garage with Guru in tow meowing that I am not to disturb his toy. I walk to the edge of the garage, staying out of the rain, and then I threw the little mouse out in to the darkness.

Of course Guru was not too happy with the turn of events, so I patted his little gray head and went back in to the house.

This morning my wife finds Guru sitting with the little brown mouse outside. The mouse is dead, probably from a heart attack. I am sure Guru played with it until his little brown mouse heart just gave out and he died.

I don’t think Guru meant to kill his toy. I don’t think he meant to do any harm at all. When Guru is sitting with me at night while I read he is noble. He is kind and sincere and loving sitting there on my lap, occasionally pawing the book to get my attention.

When he does this I say the Mani to him and then I go back to my reading. In my mind he is teaching me. Something. No idea what he is teaching me, but in my mind he is a guru and he has Buddha-nature.

He is Guru.

Published inbuddhismthoughts

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