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Chi Energy, Coincidence and the Big Bang

Coincidence: I don’t really believe in coincidences at all… I know most people think that getting a phone call from a person that they are thinking about is just dumb-luck, but I don’t. I know that wondering what someone is doing and suddenly they walk in to your office, or call or send you a little email – just because. I think that on some level they could feel you, or you them, or something and then one or both of you reached out to the other.

Any way, it just makes me think about the feeling you get when you know you are about to hit the home run, or you just feel that you have got the other guy where he needs to be to put him on the ground in the dojo.

Where does it come from? From inside of you? From externally, from the universe?

In the mystical Asian martial arts there is the concept of chi, qi or ki energy. I am no sensei, not a guru nor a Lama, but I will try to define it in my own terms.

Chi is that force which makes your lungs fill with breath. It is what keeps your thoughts you as you move from one moment to the next. It is the space between your notions, the weight within your soul and the strength in your grasp, all at the same time. I also think it is the thread that binds us all together. The gossamer strand that links you and I, links me to my children to my family, friends and also every person, plant and animal that ever was or will be.

I know that sounds kinda out there, but bear with me another minute.Modern science can not measure chi, so in my book modern science should neither acknowledge nor deny that chi exists. However today we fly above the clouds, look in to the middle of the Milky Way and speak to others in distant places with this merest of thoughts (keyboards and cell phone required). All of these would have seemed like magic two hundred years ago.

See, some things are magic…

Stop, close your eyes, relax. Tell yourself to be quiet as you inhale, and then tell yourself to relax as you exhale. Allow your thoughts to grow still and then reach out again, touch someone you feel close to. Think about your mom, a friend, your wife; who ever. Send then your thoughts, your love, your ‘you-ness’.

You might be surprised.

Published inbuddhism

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