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The Birth Of Tara

Green TaraThe story of Tara’s origin, according to the Tara Tantra, recounts that eons ago she was born as a king’s daughter, and as a compassionate princess, she regularly gave offerings and prayers to the ordained monks and nuns. The monks told her that, because of her spiritual attainments, they would pray that she be reborn as a man and spread the Buddha’s teachings. She responded that there was no male and no female, that nothing existed in reality, and that she wished to remain in female form to serve other beings until everyone reached enlightenment. In that small teaching we have a tiny glimpse of Dzogchen, and we see Tara as perhaps the first feminist.

In the fullness of time the princess grew old and died. She was then born as Tara from the compassionate tears of Avalokiteshvara, who is known as Chenrezig in Tibet. Avalokiteshvara, the Lord of Compassion, was looking down on the world of suffering beings, and he wept to see that no matter how hard he tried to relieve all their suffering, more and more beings were in distress. From the tears streaming down his face, a beautiful white lotus manifested in a clear blue lake, and on top of the lotus was a beautiful goddess who had come to help him relieve the suffering of the world. She was now the Bodhisattva of Compassion, a Buddha in Light Form, who would come swiftly to the aid of whoever called Her name.

We call Her name right here, right now, to come to the aid of our weary world. So in need of Her Wisdom and Compassion.

Om Tare Tutare Sure Soha!

Published inbuddhism

One Comment

  1. Ariole Estar Ariole Estar

    Hi – I love Green Tārā and have been wanting a picture of her – is this image available to purchase ?

    Ariole Estar

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