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Sound Of Joy

In the morning sun you laughed,
now let the sound of that joy keep you warm in the sunset hours.
What is it like to forget the noonday sweat,
not knowing who you are,
not able to tell the story of who you were…

I know the story and I will remind you,
I will correct you when you say the wrong city,
or the wrong job,
or the wrong name.

I will hold your hand and smile at you.
I will not show you my fear,
will not show you my sadness,
I will kiss your cheek and remind you that you are loved.
And honored.

I will give you back the dignity that your mind is stealing from you.
I will remember that you held me when I was a child,
that you taught me right from wrong,
that you laughed with your family, and smiled when you looked at us.

This is not the end,
this is what your mind will be forever.
This is a part of your journey, and we hold none of this against you.
Do not be ashamed, there is no shame that I see.
You are not weaker for this, for we know you did not ask for this.
You are more than this moment in time, you are the sum of your life,
and you can be proud for it.

Your hugs are weaker now, your walk less sure,
but my hand is here, beside you, guiding you now,
as you have guided me in my life.

I love you.

Published incompassion


  1. tears…. and a smile.

  2. annette annette

    That is beautiful!
    We love him too! …and all you guys 🙂

  3. stacie stacie

    Just beautiful Matt..

  4. It is lovely Matt – all the signs of a Buddhist manifesting including compassion and capacity which goes beyond mere intelligence to the heart of the arts and sciences; poetry the twin sister to painting.

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