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Bear, Owl, Panther, Stag

Last night I dreamed that posted at the four corners of my property were four warrior spirits. A bear, an owl, a panther, and a stag. The four beings were in constant telepathic communication with each other, even sharing sight and hearing at all times. It took me a while to realize that these four beings were not separate, but actually all emanations of me.

The owl was sitting up high in a tree close to our street, simply watching the night sky and the road. An acre away the panther sat under bushes, curled and warm, watching the creek bed. Deep in the woods, another acre away from the night-black panther sat the giant brown bear.

The bear, invisible against the cold muddy walls of the creek, sat dozing but listening intently for footfall in the leaves of the dry creek ravine as it stretched out before him. He seemed to wish that he was slumbering in a cave somewhere, but willing to do his part nonetheless.

Not far away from the bear the stag paced between two stands of trees. The stag, hyperaware of the night, peered into the darkness and listened to the animals on the winds.

As I woke I soon realized that each animal was actually an aspect of my soul represented as an animal spirit. While I am not entirely sure what the dream is telling me, I take comfort in the communication.

Update March 27, 2014


I just found this image on the net and it struck me how close it is to my dream.

Shamanic Medicine Wheel
Shamanic Medicine Wheel
Published indreamholographic universe

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