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Nothing Makes Us Happy

This spring we have been given more rain in my city than anyone would have expected. Everything is lush and green. Lawns are thick and strong, flowers are blooming everywhere you look, trees seem to radiate variations of green, and every creek is flowing; good times right?

By this time of the year we are usually watering our lawns and gardens almost daily to keep them growing, to keep the sun from burning them and shriveling the life out of them. Some years we already have cracks and fissures running in our lawns, the earth dry enough to cause little rips and tears in the the ground.

But this year, with the rains, we should all be so happy, ecstatic that the earth has gifted us so plentifully with water than everything is growing. But we aren’t. We are dealing with swollen and overflowing creeks and rivers. Flooding in the streets, our homes and yards. Streets that have been swept away by the rushing waters.

If the rains had not come we would have suffered just as much, but in different ways. Nothing makes us happy. Yesterday at work I heard a coworker say that she wished the rains would go away for a few months and I thought how dangerous that was. Words have power, her intention has energy and strength; yet she has no idea what she is asking for.

She would not be any happier if the temperature was 95 degrees and sweltering. The rains might be an inconvenience in her mind, but they are what they are. A part of life.

I don’t mind the rain; it smells wonderful, everything is green and lush. Soon enough they will be gone and all of those people upset at the heavy rains will long for them as the sun pushes us over the 100 degree mark in the middle of the coming summer.

Just be mindful, realize how magical life is and smile. There is nothing you can do about it anyway.

Published inbuddhism


  1. Anonymous Anonymous

    i miss you

  2. Laurie Laurie

    The rains have been cleaning our area. If you notice when it rains for awhile, the sun will come out and dry things up so the water actually has time to do something productive instead of flooding the streets.

  3. Matt Matt

    i do love the smell of the rains, and the look of the clean lawns and streets. I know full well that in a few months, when the streets are covered with a fine red dust and the grass is all dead, we will all long for the rains return.

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