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Dreaming About Tomorrow

I had a dream last night that made me write this:

I see a future where the roads are self-healing
where the roads are a giant solar collecting grid spanning cities, states and nations
where every house is connected to the grid for free

I see a future that has cured disease with compassion and nature
where your doctor is worried about your health, not about your insurance
where the hospitals are places we meditate and pray, show kindness and love

I can see a future where no wars are fought over land, or food, or things
where nations have welcome centers, not detention centers
where borders are on maps, not fences or walls

I see a future where forests are treated like beings
where children can play in the rain
where grandparents are treated like treasures

None of this will happen unless we realize that there is no real difference between people in your family and people across the world. We are all suffering, we are all wanting the same thing for ourselves and our children; to be happy and safe, warm and dry, educated and heard. We want to have enough food so that our children don’t go to bed hungry, so that we don’t have to decided which child eats and which one has to wait.

As long as nations are run by people who profit from war, as long as companies control food and energy and medicines, as long as we sit by and offer no alternative; nothing can change.

Why would a company develop a road that collects the energy from the sun and then delivers that for pennies to your door? They won’t do that, no profit there. Why would a company cure the sick and dying in your backyard or the African Sahara? They won’t do that either, no money to make there. Cure cancer? No way. But, keep the cancer victim fighting his whole life, in and out of treatment, that is a good business plan.

I am no radical when it comes to politics, don’t misjudge my words. We don’t need a revolution in American politics, but rather a revolution in our hearts and minds, all across the world. If only we would act as if the man or woman we see was our son or daughter, our father or mother; how much better off would this world be? Would we transcend these wars? Would we feed the hungry and clothe the naked? Would we send bread instead of bombs if we were using our hearts, filled with understanding and compassion, instead of greed and hate?

I hope that revolution comes soon.

Published inenlightenmenteveryday magicpetition

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