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Out of the Ashes

Memories stir. Her name, lost to the ages, echoes to her like a mantra. The voice that quietly, reverently, says her name over and over, is so familiar, so right, that it soothes her awake. Her heart had last beat an eon ago, but now the time is right, she needs to finish this task once and for all. Thoughtless, timeless and formless; adrift in the void, without recognition, she was at peace. Like the Phoenix, rising into the first rays of sunlight, she became aware of herself once again, and with each thought and intention her form became solid. The smallest bits of matter, pulled from space, borrowed from sand, and tree, and stream began to take shape. Moments passed and then her eyes opened.

I am Kali.

Kali stood and looked into the night sky. Her raven hair covering her back, she is almost as dark as the night itself. Kneeling before her in the darkness are three forms; a man in the rear and two nude women close to her. Kali walks past them without recognition of their presence, out of the ashen circle and looks up into the moon.

“Children, why have you called to me?” the Goddess demands.

Published infiction

One Comment

  1. Phoenix Rising Phoenix Rising

    As always your words will never be lost to the ages..they speak to allof those who read them as touch our spirit, our soul,our hearts. I know for sure Out of the Ashes will be my favorite… keep writing… we will keep reading.

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