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The Dark Sea

On my knees, in prayer position, I closed my eyes, and began to see…

The crown of my head becomes sand, like a dry sand castle I crumble
and my body falls away to reveal

All that I am becomes one with all that there is. In an ocean of knowing
I am become (we become) all that is one.

My breath is the smell of mountain rains, sea-mist, prairie grass, and the earthy loam of the forest floor.
My hands can touch the faces of every person at once, the stars can be held close — I am all of those and more.

The skin that covers my face is the petal of every flower across the universe, my hair every blade of grass, every twig on every plant, mixed with the stuff of nebula… and the skin falls away again to offer me a clear white light, flowing forth from the center of me. The center (of me) splits and becomes two, becomes four, becomes more and more again, until all that there is shows this same wonderful clear white light.

I am all emotion, all devotion
I am a stone on the beach of a racing river, I am the mountain and the sea, I am whole worlds, the galaxy, the universe, the cosmos, and no where at once — time itself falls away to show me that I am nothing to call me.

Peaceful, I sleep in this knowledge (fully aware), I am everywhere, as all points (one point) are contained within what is known
There is only the one place
The one time
The one thought by
The one entity

Published inoneness

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