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Motivation and Reward

What motivates you? I am at a point in my life where I should be striving for a better body, a longer more health-filled, prosperous life; and yet I go home at night and eat dinner with the family and then relax. Why can I not seem to get the routine again where I get up early, do some yoga, hit the gym or dojo for some judo and then start my day in the office?

I really believe most successful people are internally motivated. I am about somethings, but not others, maybe not the important ones. I think I am a good father and husband, a good friend; getting close to having the whole ‘compassionate to others’ thing down and a part of who I am. But being compassionate towards my self, that one I am lacking in.

It should be easy to roll out of bed and get out into the open air of the morning for a walk or run, but I don’t. It should be a priority to get to the gym and get my body more defined and maybe, I don’t know, increase my lifespan, but I must have other priorities.

So I guess I need external motivation. Hmm, well my wife is in great shape. She goes to the gym almost 5 times a week, lifts weight, does her cardio routine or running and kickboxing; she looks amazing. (Thank you babe.) That should be motivation enough to get my in shape, right?

Knowledge has always been something I am more comfortable with. I can read almost any genre if I think I will learn from the book or article. So on this front I am internally motivated… there is a perceived reward which I wanted to achieve.

I read books all of the time about science, religion and philosophy and enjoy that very much. Lately most of the books on religion and philosophy have been about Buddhism or Hinduism, both are interesting to me. The books on Hinduism I view as a historical reference for my Buddhist understanding, just as to really understand Christianity you need to have a firm grasp on Judaism.

Anyway, I am going to follow my wife’s example and focus on my body. The body is the temple of your soul, right? My reward will be to have a temple that my soul can inhabit for a good long time while I am on this journey.

How are you motivated?

Published inthoughts

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