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People Change

Have you ever lost a friend?

‘Lost’ might not be the right term, I mean you know where the person is spatially, just not where they are as your friend any more. It is a sad and lonely feeling. Even when you have other people around you, and you value them, losing someone is hard on your soul.

Don’t get me wrong, I have grown away from people in the past too. Just ran out of things to talk about and lost the connection we shared. You join the military, you seek education, you find a deeper religious belief system, all of those change who you are and I understand that. Then there are other times where you know that you and the person are still capable of being friends, but you just aren’t. Those are the sad times.

I personally think the only option is to be compassionate and open to the person, letting them know that you are and always will be there for them when they need you or reach out to you.

Compassion is the only answer to almost all of life’s questions anyway.

Published inthoughts

One Comment

  1. Greg of Kentucky Greg of Kentucky

    I once heard in a movie that maybe friendship is like a tire. Eventually they just run out of tread.

    I’ve lost contact with people through the years and can pick up where we left off with no problem, others are like trying to start an old lawn mower. Its just too damn hard to start.

    The truth is we are all moving away from each other on our own paths. It’s just for brief periods our paths parallel or intersect.

    The true test of friendship is the compassion that remains no matter how much mileage you rack up on your journeys.

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